Wind Mitigation
4 Point Inspection
Roof Certificate
Insurance companies “especially” in the Florida Keys, can’t stress enough about getting a wind mitigation, a 4 point inspection and a roof certificate performed on your home. It can literally save you up to half of your insurance premium and they are sure you wouldn’t mind that! Most Insurance Agencies in the Florida Keys and Key West recommend Countywide Home Inspections Inc. They have been in the Inspection Industry for over 35 years and have the best prices and the best service hands down. They are also a NO KEYS DISEASE COMPANY!
If you are insured with an Insurance agency outside the Florida Keys, we can’t stress enough that there’s a difference! Florida Keys Insurance agencies deal with a different variety of insurance companies that specialize in our needs. They also know how important those Wind Mitigations, 4 Point Inspections and Roof Certificates are when it comes to saving you money! Insurance costs down here have just become absolutely insane.

Hurricane Premium Relief Program ~ Wind Mitigation – 4 Point Inspection – Roof Certificate
Get your home inspected today to lower your insurance premiums drastically! What are you waiting for?